
192 Movie Reviews

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In the brigade in the beginning, shouldn't the bees be in front? Because if you remember in the DK that your movie is based on, the bees are undefeatable unless you use the rhino, and even then, they were considered a 1-touch death if you didn't attack them right. The bee's should've been a sort of shield. I'm such a gamer geek.

MickeyG72 responds:

That is no reason to give it a 0.

Also, "I'm such a gamer geek." you can kill a bee with any type of barrel or Winky, the frog.

P.S. Clocks sti... cough ... nk


Good, but after a while, it just ends. Also, it's really just a buncha sketches moving around and words going across the screen with a fade on them and stuff... Why, if I could draw....


That was great. That was the best thing I've seen in the portal all morning, and I needed it after seeing 2 videos with really shitty graphics of people crying. Thanks, heh.

IRG's was the best.

IRG's was the best, but ZetNinjin had this almost trippy masking thing for the sidewalk, where you saw the lines move, but the outside of it didn't move at all. I dunno, I kinda liked that.


FIFEN, LIEK OAKY!?11111!@2211elvenqqq

AlbinoClock responds:



The graphics were bad, and in the name of construction critisizm:
You disobeyed the rules of poetry, first off, rhythm. You need to have a set amount of syllables in each phrase for it to sound right. The line I think I noticed that was "committing suicide". It should just be "suicide" only because there are a certain amount of syllables. Also, you can't go in and out of rhyme. For 1 or maybe 2 lines you rhymed, and then you got out of rhyme. If you do that, it sounds horrible and way too out of place. If you rewrite it and remade the flash to have better graphics and whatnot, it'd be better. So good luck for the next flash. Until then, keep it up.

Coiz responds:

Everything you just said is a lie. Poetry is the art of word play, and nothing more. I write poetry with rhyme, but this particular poem is written in free form. The rhythm in the poem can be found in the pattern with which certain lines were OUT of rhythm.


Not bad, but when MuffinClock says "freedom of speech, blah blah blah..." It's not actually freedom of speech. Being Wiccan is freedom of religion. Freedom of speech applies to the music now, but whatever.

Kyora-Mishiso responds:

They're both apart of the same Ammendment to the Constituion.


The body and the head were WAY out of proportion.

RedChalkDust responds:

I can't do that intentionally?


Normally, I don't take kindly to stick flash, but this was actually good and worth my time. Keep up the good work.


Age 32, Male



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