
192 Movie Reviews

56 w/ Responses

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Pretty good. I mean, the animation was rather simple, and there wasn't much variety. But it was pretty cool. And the little part where they were talking about the guys wife complaining about the toilet seat never bein down... Classic. I'm looking forward to more.

Jesus H. Christ!

That was absolutely amazing!
Not only is the song good*, but the smoothness and overall creativity of the animation baffled me beyond words.

*You didn't play the entire song. =p That kind of was the only downside. If you were to make like... Porno Creep 2.0 or something, and re-submit it with a longer song and more animation, and maybe a plot, sort of... That'd be awesome.


This is easily one of the best I've seen.
And I noticed that the graphics have improved especcially in this episode.
Also, the part that caused me to piss my pants was the part where, after he launched the baby, Klunk was like "Wh-... Why'd you do that?"

Holy crap!

Your graphics are fucking amazing! Omfg!
And not only that, this was fucking hilarious. I mean, I'm no dog hater either, but I have to admit that this was absolutely hilarious. Aghhh... I can't get over how nice and smooth your animation is.
Good god...
Boom. =]
Twisted humor never ceases to make me crack up.


I kinda give stuff either a 5 or 0, because the numbers in between usually are worthless, being that you have a higher chance of getting a protection or blam point if you just vote straight for either 5 or 0.
I gave this a 5, mainly because of my little... Rule thing.
And because it was pretty cool. I mean, boring, but cool. All I can remember about that song is "Karaoke for Experts". Roflcopter. I dare someone who has no grip on the language of Spanish to write out lyrics for it. =p
Keep up the good work.


Well, being that none of us speak Latin. Ever.
I think we'd want the translations.
Half of the people that vote on Newgrounds never learned Latin or are not even old enough to understand the simplest words of Latin.
So in other words, NO SHIT WE WANT THE ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS. That's kind of a no-brainer, dontcha think? I mean, more than half of the NG community live in the United States, so we won't know Latin. And aside from that, none of it was funny. Just stupid and idiotic.

Good day to you, sir!

dontahaveone responds:

Haha, ...living in the U.S. has nothing to do with it. Latin isn't a foreign language...it's a dead language.


That's the best fbf I've ever seen.
I mean, it's so incredibly smooth.
damn. You're good. You're too good.


Relying on my super-duper senses or attempts to get blam/save points, I gave you a 3. Most people don't blam stuff like this, even though it was pretty shitty.


Age 32, Male



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