
192 Movie Reviews

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It was quite strange. And the guy before me was an illiterate idiot.
Nonetheless, the graphics could've been a little bit better, but hey, we flash animators need our practice.

Mek1985 responds:

Cryssy is being real cute right now brb


After much time of no new submissions in AYB Land, you finally break that silence with a flash so good, so amazing, that Fulp was like "Holy crap, let's put it on the front page."
I'm so glad there's finally an adition to the All your Base collection. And this is just... Amazing...
God. I love you.

Nonetheless, more on topic. For all you n00bs to AYB, learn your goddamn facts.
Zero Wing is a Sega Dreamcast (or Genesis) game, and the reason the grammar was so crappy, is because of the fact that games then were imported directly, without translation. So before anyone ran the Word Spellchecker, the game was already full blown in America. So, the translations, as said before, came out fucked up. I mean, it even happens when you do a translation directly from Spanish to English. It comes out somewhat screwed up. Unless, of course, you're using Google.
'Zig' is the name of the ship that's used to help kill stuff. Y'know? The one to go get Cats. The evil guy. So they say "Move Zig," which means, basically "Move the ship."

Moving from movie review to game review;
The game's pretty good, and you can easily download it on most Sega emulators now. It's a sidescrolling shooter, and it's a lot harder than most. I mean, it's a Japanese game. They're uber 1337 over there.

Thank you, again, Too much spare Time, for making this. I love you.
Let me have your children.
But really.

TmsT responds:

I love you too. And by "you" I mean "you people"... >_> In a strictly non-biological way. =P

You know what you doing.

Noticed something.

When the main bunny stabs the second bunny ninja (the one who stabbed the first bunny ninja) and he makes him slide down on the sword, his sword doesn't get bloody.
I dunno. Just thought I'd point that out.
Other than that, I really liked it. Kinda madness-y.


Can't blame you for trying.


You've definitely got some serious issues, although, it was pretty good.

Holy crap.

Best movie ever. The beginning was kind of strange, but then I was like 'OMGWTFBBQ' because this is the best movie I've ever seen on Newgrounds. Good job, you brightened my day.
"Warning!... Nevermind."


Kickass flash video. I love it when a bunch of artists get together and make one of these things... Like potluck, you never know how much something's gonna suck. I mean... Be good.
I got Halo 2 which is a good game after all, although the story line remains kind of weak.
People who're reading this, I commandeth of thee to get Halo if you don't already have it, and Halo 2 if you don't already have it. And even then, buy it again.
But I do have one thing to say: Rumors say that they do have plans for a Halo 3, but I'm not even going to bother buying it unless I get to play it at a friend's house before. Reason: By Halo 3, the plot's gonna be so weak, and everything's gonna get so old that the storyline is just going to entirely blow.

Anyway, enough of my mindless chatting. Watch the flash video, and play Halo.


I found the secret.
When the movie's over, right click and hit play for a bonus movie thing.


Age 32, Male



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